Recipient Story

Lorraine’s Story

As we say goodbye to 2021, I am very grateful to have received two cornea transplants in the past eighteen months.
My vision had deteriorated to the point that I could only read for a couple of minutes. I was no longer able to drive. Being outside in bright light was very uncomfortable, and my eyes hurt. My depth perception was not good; I was often tripping.
I am happy to report that my vision is now very clear. The colours are vibrant and beautiful, and I can do all the things that were becoming a daily challenge.
Recently I renewed my driver’s license and passed my vision test with flying colours! I am no longer required to wear ‘corrective lenses’ to drive.
I am very grateful to the two donors and their families who made these precious gifts possible.
I encourage everyone to sign up and become an organ donor. It is a priceless, precious gift to give.
I am very blessed and grateful to my family for their support, my very skilled surgeon, Dr. Matthew Bujak, and the Eye Bank of BC Team.