Seeing is Believing

The Eye Bank of BC provides British Columbians with the opportunity to choose eye donation. Individuals can leave a legacy by providing up to 8 people with corneal and sclera graft transplants. Tissue may also be used to further research efforts into the treatment and prevention of ocular disease.

About Us

Giving the Gift of Sight

Currently, there are over 400 BC residents in need of a cornea transplant. This number is expected to increase due to the aging patient population. By choosing eye donation individuals have the opportunity to leave a legacy by providing up to 8 people with transplants of ocular tissue.

Eye Donation

Alysa’s Story

Alysa and her family have enormous appreciation for the amazing gift that gave her back her sight. They are forever thankful to the family who donated their child’s cornea so she could see again. Because of the cornea transplant, Alysa is able to live the life of a normal teenager without any challenges related to her vision.

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We help give the gift of sight


Literature, links, how to write correspondence to your donor family or to a recipient.

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Make a Financial Donation

You are vital to the transformation of health care.

VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation

How to Become an Eye Donor

Learn more about eye donation and how to register your wishes.

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Featured Stories

Recipient Story

Jordan’s Story

The Most Wonderful Gift I Ever Recieved I am writing this personal story to shed light on an important and life-changing gift that I received: organ/tissue donation. When I was growing up…

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Donor Story

Rick’s Story

My spouse of 12 years passed away of a heart attack on his birthday while driving home from work. He was 57. He was my best friend, my partner, my love and…

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